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About the Event



We are excited to be collaborating with the Avila Center for Community Leadership whose mission is to support and connect community organizers and leaders working collectively for systemic change in the South and beyond. Surrounded by forest, the Avila Center has become an important space for the local Latino community. By partnering with the Avila Center, we hope to be able to reflect the origins of the fandango as a rural tradition where people sing, dance, and share food together until dawn.


This event is free and open to the public. We are working to make sure as many meals are provided as possible. Families and children are welcome. Come for the whole weekend or just some, we will be so excited to see you!



Statement of Community Care:


We stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and welcome any and all gender and identity expressions in the fandango. We acknowledge the adaptability of the fandango depending on the place, and know that our Durham, NC fandango will sound and look different than a fandango in Veracruz. We celebrate that the fandango is in constant evolution and respect all experience levels, identities, and backgrounds who participate.




Planning to come to Durham from out of town? Or are you part of our local comunidad and would like to stay at the Avila center for the weekend? Learn more about lodging options!







Información del evento

Nos entusiasma colaborar con el Avila Center for Community Leadership, cuya misión es apoyar y conectar a organizadores y líderes comunitarios que trabajan de forma colectiva por un cambio sistémico en el Sur y más allá. El Avila Center se ha convertido en un espacio importante para la comunidad latina local, esto incluye ser la sede local de la celebración de Día de Muertos que atrae a grupos de danza azteca de todos los rincones del Sur de los Estados Unidos. Al colaborar con el Avila Center, esperamos poder reflejar los orígenes del fandango como una tradición rural donde la gente canta, baila y comparte comida hasta el amanecer.


Este es un evento gratuito y abierto a todo el público. Estamos trabajando para poder brindar la mayor cantidad de comidas posible. Las familias y los niños son bienvenidos. Acompáñanos todo el fin de semana o solo un ratito, ¡estaremos muy emocionados de verte!


​¿Planeas viajar a Durham? O ¿eres parte de una comunidad local y te gustaría hospedarte en el Avila Center durante el fin de semana? ¡Entérate de las opciones de hospedaje!

May 9-11, 2025
The Avila Center
711 Mason Road

Durham, NC 27712




Friday May 9th


3pm: Check-in to Avila Center

evening: welcome dinner and jam


Saturday May 10th


8-10am: Breakfast

9am: Yoga & meditation w/ Daniel Reyes

11am: taller de cocina w/ Norma Kessler

12:30pm: Lunch

2pm: taller de jarana

2pm: taller de niños (children's workshop)

3:30pm: taller de zapateado

6:30pm: community dinner

8pm-late: FANDANGO


Sunday May 11th


8-10am: Breakfast

10am: Homenaje en el panteón y fandanguito

12pm: checkout from Avila center

Event Schedule


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